Monday, 23 March 2015

Comparison of Indigenous or Traditional or Desi Cows Milk Yield

In our Agriculture for Everybody blog series, we are going to see the details of different Indigenous or Traditional or Country or Desi or Local Cows of India.  Even though the focus is on the Milk Yield, the other parameters can as well be used to decide on the relevant breed by the farmers for their respective needs.

S.No.Breed Name (Main Purpose)Geographical RangeYield / Lactation -
Min-Max (Avg)
Lactation Length (days) - Min-Max (Avg)
Fat % - Min-Max (Avg)
Age at First Calving - Min-Max (Avg) monthsCalving Interval - Min-Max(Avg) monthsSNF % - Min-Max(Avg)
1Alambadi*Tamilnadu?????0-0 (0)
2Alanganallur*Tamilnadu?????0-0 (0)
3Amritmahal (D)Karnataka0-0 (572)289-309 (299)0-0 (0)36-72(50.65)12-22 (14.14)0-0 (0)
4Bachaur (D)Bihar225-630 (347)0-0 (254)4.8-7.1 (5)40-62 (48.37)11-14 (12.5)0-0 (0)
5Badri (B)Uttarakhand547-657 (632)0-0 (0)3.6-4.4 (4)42-56 (49)13-15 (13.4)0-0 (0)
6Bargur (D)Tamilnadu250-1300 (350)270-310 (0)0-0 (0)0-0 (0)0-0 (17)0-0 (0)
7Belahi (B)Chandigarh, Haryana0-0 (0)0-0 (0)0-0 (0)0-0 (0)0-0 (0)0-0 (0)
8Binjharpuri (B)Odisha915-1350 (0)?4.3-4.4 (0)0-0 (40.48)0-0 (13.47)0-0 (0)
9Dangi (B)Gujarat, Maharashtra175-800 (430)100-396 (269)3.8-4.5 (4.3)46-56 (53)17-21 (19)0-0 (0)
10Deoni (D)Karnataka Maharashtra638-1229 (868)?2.5-5.3 (4.3)42-48 (45.7)13-17 (14.7)0-0 (0)
11Gangatiri (B)Bihar,
Uttar Pradesh
0-0 (0)150-250 (0)0-0 (0)0-0 (0)0-0 (0)14-24 (0)
12Gaolao (B)Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra470-725 (604)0-0 (240)0-0 (4.32)52-61 (54.74)13-18 (14.15)0-0 (0)
13Ghumusari (B)Odisha450-650 (0)?4.8-4.9 (0)0-0 (42.24)0-0 (13.56)0-0 (0)
14Gir (B)Gujarat800-3300 (2110)240-380 (0)3.9-5.1 (4.6)39-59 (46.08)0-0 (13.4)0-0 (0)
15Hallikar (D)Karnataka227-1134 (542)210-310 (285)0-0 (5.7)30-48 (36.24)12-36 (19.7)0-0 (0)
16Hariana (B)Haryana693-1745 (997)238-330(272)4.3-5.3 (4.5)40-61 (51.3)13-18 (15.88)0-0 (0)
17Irucchali*Tamilnadu?? ???0-0 (0)
18Kangayam (D)Tamilnadu0-0 (540)0-0 (270)1.6-7.7 (3.9)28-54 (39.99)12-54 (15.62)0-0 (6.96)
19Kankrej (D)Gujarat, Rajasthan800-1800 (1738)257-350 (294)2.9-4.2 (0)36-53 (47.3)12-25 (15.06)0-0 (0)
20Kasargod* Dwarf Kerala?????0-0 (0)
21Kenkatha (D)Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh0-0 (0)?0-0 (0)0-0 (0)0-0 (0)0-0 (0)
22Khariar (B)Odisha300-450 (0)?4-5 (0)0-0 (50.09)0-0 (16.84)0-0 (0)
23Kherigarh (D)Uttar Pradesh300-500 (0)?0-0 (0)36-48 (0)13-15 (0)0-0 (0)
24Khillar (D)Karnataka, Maharashtra240-515 (451.48)?0-0 (4.22)37-60 (42.39)15-21 (16.6)0-0 (0)
25Kollimalai*Tamilnadu?? ???0-0 (0)
26Konadan or Manapparai*Tamilnadu?? ???0-0 (0)
27Kosali (B)Chhattisgarh200-250 (210)?3-4.5 (3.5)48-60 (53)18-24 (0)0-0 (0)
28Krishna Valley (D)

Karnataka, Maharashtra0-0 (0)?0-0 (0)46.05-49.34 (0)0-0 (0)0-0 (0)
29Malnad Gidda (B) DwarfKarnataka0-0 (218.3)?0-0 (0)0-0 (45.4)0-0 (17)0-0 (0)
30Malvi (D)Madhya Pradesh627-1227 (915.6)411-530 (306)0-0 (4.28)45-51 (48.95)13-17 (16.67)0-0 (0)
31Mazha Konga*Tamilnadu?? ???0-0 (0)
32Mewati (D)Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh0-0 (958)?0-0 (0)42-54 (0)12-18 (0)0-0 (0)
33Mottai madu*Tamilnadu?? ???0-0 (0)
34Motu (B)Odisha100-140 (0)?4.86-5.3 (0)0-0 (52.43)0-0 (13.87)0-0 (0)
35Nagori (D)Rajasthan479-905 (603)237-299 (267)0-0 (5.8)42-50 (47.37)14-18 (15.16)0-0 (0)
36Nattan*Tamilnadu?? ???0-0 (0)
37Nimari (D)Madhya Pradesh600-954 (766.9)220-260 (237)0-0 (4.9)33-93 (54.1)15-19 (17.07)0-0 (0)
38Ongole (B)Andhra Pradesh0-0 (798)160-260(230)0-0 (3.79)0-0 (45.58)0-0 (13.12)0-0 (0)
39Palamalai*Tamilnadu?? ???0-0 (0)
40Ponwar (D)Uttar Pradesh0-0 (459)8-10 Months0-0 (0)40-60 (51)0-0 (12.7)0-0 (0)
41Pulikulam (D)Tamilnadu0-0 (0)?0-0 (0)0-0 (50)17-24 (0)0-0 (0)
42Punganur (B) DwarfAndhra Pradesh194-1100 (546)98-445 (263.4)3.2-10 (5)0-0 (37)10-27 (14.88)7.69-10.56 (9.5)
43Rathi (M)Rajasthan1062-2810 (1560)306-431 (336)3.7-4 (0)36-52 (46.4)14-20 (17.07)0-0 (0)
44Red Kandari (D)Maharashtra0-0 (598)255-264 (0)0-0 (4.57)0-0 (0)0-0 (14.61)0-0 (8.62)
45Red Sindhi (M)Spread throughout India1100-2600 (1840)270-490 (0)4-5.2 (4.5)31.97-51.32 (43.54)12.5-18.09 (14.57)0-0 (0)
46Sahiwal (M)Punjab, Rajasthan1600-2750 (2325)285-375 (318)4.8-5.1 (4.9)30-50 (41.7)13-18 (15.6)0-0 (0)
47Siri (D)Sikkim, West Bengal0-0 (425.8)210-274 (0)2.8-5.5 (0)47-56 (0)14-18 (16.7)7.56-9.37 (0)
48Tenpandi*Tamilnadu?????0-0 (0)
49Thambiran madu*Tamilnadu?? ???0-0 (0)
50Tharparkar (B)Gujarat, Rajasthan913-2147 (1749)280-440 (0)4.72-4.9 (4.88)36.71-52.5 (41.03)13.42-18.82 (14.18)8.9-9.7 (9.2)
51Tirunelveli hill breed cattle*Tamilnadu?? ???0-0 (0)
52Turinjithalai*Tamilnadu?? ???0-0 (0)
53Tondainadu*Andhra Pradesh, Tamilnadu?? ???0-0 (0)
54Umblacherry (D)Tamilnadu0-0 (494)?0-0 (4.94)0-0 (52.4)0-0 (14.6)0-0 (7.8)
55Vechur (M) DwarfKerala0-0 (561)?4.7-5.8 (0)0-0 (36)12-17 (14.01)0-0 (0)

  • "*" indicates Non-Descript cattle meaning it has not so far been recognized by Govt of India as Indigenous Cattle Breeds
  • Main Purpose is provided in brackets and it means the following
    • D means Draught purposes
    • M means Milk purposes
    • B means both Draught and Milk purposes
  • Some data (which is indicated by ? ) is currently not available and will be updated in future.

Monday, 16 March 2015

Pesticides - Neem Oil Solution (3%) (3 சதவிகித வேப்ப எண்ணெய் கரைசல்)

In our Agriculture for Everybody blog series, we are going to see 3% Neem Oil Solution (3 சதவிகித வேப்ப எண்ணெய் கரைசல்) preparation method in detail and acts as an organic pest repellent.

Required Ingredients

S.No.Ingredient NameQty in Litres/Kgs
1Neem Oil3 Litres
2Water20 Litres
3Mud Pot1 Number
4Khadi Soap200 Gms

Method of Preparation
  1. Fill the Mud Pot with 20 Litres of Water.
  2. Dissolve the Khadi Soap in the Mud Pot and stir well.
  3. Add slowly the 3 Litres of Neem Soil and stir again.
  4. Stir until the Neem Oil is completely mixed with the water and should not be seen floating above.
  5. Please note that the stick (neem stick is better or any pole) used for mixing the ingredients should be cleaned before & after the usage so as to avoid maggots formations in the pesticide.
Method of Storage
  1. The pesticide should be kept in the shade and covered with a wire mesh or plastic mosquito net to prevent houseflies from laying eggs and the formation of maggots (worms) in the solution. This is applicable during the preparation as well as during the shelf life of the pesticide as well.
How long can we store the Pesticide?
  1. Not Applicable
How to use the Pesticide?
  1. Spray System - The pesticide can be applied as a foliar spray.
Note: Dilute 1 Litre of the above extract with 4 Litres of Water before applying.

When to use the Pesticide?
  1. Generally, the ideal time for spraying is during 6 am to 8.30 am and between 4 pm and 6.30 pm.
Which pests are controlled by the pesticide?
  1. The pesticide is effective in controlling Aphids, Colorado beetles, Grasshoppers, Grubs, Japanese beetles, Leafhoppers, Locusts, Planthoppers, Scales, Snails, Thrips, Weevils and Whiteflies.

Pesticides - Neem Leaves Extract Solution (10%) (10 சதவிகித வேப்ப இலை சாறு கரைசல்)

In our Agriculture for Everybody blog series, we are going to see 10% Neem Leaves Extract Solution (10 சதவிகித வேப்ப இலை சாறு கரைசல்) preparation method in detail and acts as an organic pest repellent.

Required Ingredients

S.No.Ingredient NameQty in Litres/Kgs
1Neem Leaves10 Kgs
2Water20 Litres
3Mud Pot1 Number
4White Cloth1 Number
5Khadi Soap200 Gms

Method of Preparation
  1. Fill the Mud Pot with 20 Litres of Water.
  2. Grind the Neem Leaves into a fine paste.
  3. Fill the White Cloth with the above paste and tie the top of the White Cloth.
  4. Place the filled up White Cloth in the Mud Pot for 24 Hours.
  5. Dissolve the Khadi Soap in the Mud Pot and stir well.
  6. Please note that the stick (neem stick is better or any pole) used for mixing the ingredients should be cleaned before & after the usage so as to avoid maggots formations in the pesticide.
Method of Storage
  1. The pesticide should be kept in the shade and covered with a wire mesh or plastic mosquito net to prevent houseflies from laying eggs and the formation of maggots (worms) in the solution. This is applicable during the preparation as well as during the shelf life of the pesticide as well.
How long can we store the Pesticide?
  1. Not Applicable
How to use the Pesticide?
  1. Spray System - The pesticide can be applied as a foliar spray.
Note: Dilute 1 Litre of the above extract with 4 Litres of Water before applying.

When to use the Pesticide?
  1. Generally, the ideal time for spraying is during 6 am to 8.30 am and between 4 pm and 6.30 pm.
Which pests are controlled by the pesticide?
  1. The pesticide is effective in controlling Aphids, Colorado beetles, Grasshoppers, Grubs, Japanese beetles, Leafhoppers, Locusts, Planthoppers, Scales, Snails, Thrips, Weevils and Whiteflies.

Pesticides - Neem Kernel Extract Solution (5%) (5 சதவிகித வேப்பங் கொட்டை சாறு கரைசல்)

In our Agriculture for Everybody blog series, we are going to see 5% Neem Kernel Extract Solution (5 சதவிகித வேப்பங் கொட்டை சாறு கரைசல்) preparation method in detail and acts as an organic pest repellent.

Required Ingredients

S.No.Ingredient NameQty in Litres/Kgs
1Neem Kernels5 Kgs
2Water10 Litres
3Mud Pot1 Number
4Khadi Soap100 Gms

Method of Preparation
  1. Fill the Mud Pot with 10 Litres of Water.
  2. Pound the Neem Kernels until the inner pulp is exposed.
  3. Place the above in the Mud Pot for 24 Hours.
  4. Dissolve the Khadi Soap in the Mud Pot and stir well.
  5. Please note that the stick (neem stick is better or any pole) used for mixing the ingredients should be cleaned before & after the usage so as to avoid maggots formations in the pesticide.
Method of Storage
  1. The pesticide should be kept in the shade and covered with a wire mesh or plastic mosquito net to prevent houseflies from laying eggs and the formation of maggots (worms) in the solution. This is applicable during the preparation as well as during the shelf life of the pesticide as well.
How long can we store the Pesticide?
  1. Not Applicable
How to use the Pesticide?
  1. Spray System - The pesticide can be applied as a foliar spray.
Note: Dilute 1 Litre of the above extract with 9 Litres of Water before applying.

When to use the Pesticide?
  1. Generally, the ideal time for spraying is during 6 am to 8.30 am and between 4 pm and 6.30 pm.
Which pests are controlled by the pesticide?
  1. The pesticide is effective in controlling Aphids, Colorado beetles, Grasshoppers, Grubs, Japanese beetles, Leafhoppers, Locusts, Planthoppers, Scales, Snails, Thrips, Weevils and Whiteflies.

Friday, 13 March 2015

Manures - Biogas Slurry

In our Agriculture for Everybody blog series, we will be seeing how Biogas Slurry or Bio Digested Slurry (BDS) can be used as a manure.

Biogas slurry can be used as it is, meaning, it can be applied to the crops as a liquid manure.

Alternatively, Biogas slurry can also be diluted in the ratio of 1:1 with water and used as a liquid manure.

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Manures - Effective Microorganisms

In our Agriculture for Everybody blog series, we are going to see Effective Microorganisms which are mainly used for composting purposes but can also be used as a manure.

Required Ingredients

S.No.Ingredient NameQty in Litres/Kgs
1Papaya500 Grams
3Jaggery500 Grams
2Yellow Pumpkin / White Pumpkin 500 Grams
4Live Soil with good moisture1 Handful
5Water20 Litres
6Mud Pot1 Number

  • Please note that the stick (neem stick is better or any pole) used for mixing the ingredients should be cleaned before & after the usage so as to avoid maggots formations in the manure.

Method of Preparation
  1. Fill the Mud Pot with 20 Litres of Water.
  2. Crush the jaggery into fine powder and dissolve it in water.
  3. Remove the skin of the papaya and cut the papaya into very small pieces and put it in the water.
  4. Repeat the step 3 for Pumpkin as well.
  5. Add the Live Soil to the water (The Live Soil should not be dry and should have enough moisture in it)
  6. Stir the contents daily in the evening.
  7. The solution will be ready in about 10-15 days and a foul smell will emanate and this indicates the solution is ready for use.
    Method of Storage
    1. The manure should be kept in the shade and covered with a wire mesh or plastic mosquito net to prevent houseflies from laying eggs and the formation of maggots (worms) in the solution. This is applicable during the preparation as well as during the shelf life of the manure as well.
    How long can we store the Manure?
    1. Not Applicable
    How to use the Manure?
    1. Spray System - The manure can be applied as a foliar spray.
    2. Flow System - The solution of manure can be mixed with irrigation water, either through drip irrigation or flow irrigation.
    When to use the Manure?
    1. Generally, it is accepted that every 15 days the manure can be applied.

    Tuesday, 10 March 2015

    Pesticides - Five Leaf Extract

    In our Agriculture for Everybody blog series, we are going to see Five Leaf Extract which is called as Eindhu Ilai Karaisal in Tamil.

    Required Ingredients
    S.No.Ingredient NameQty in Litres/Kgs
    1Neem Leaves (Vembu in Tamil)1 Kg
    2Vitex negundo or Chaste Tree Leaves (Nochi in  Tamil)1 Kg
    3Guduchhi/Amruth (Seenthil Kodi in Tamil)1 Kg
    4Jatropha curcas (Kattu Amanaku in Tamil )1 Kg
    5Calotropis gigantea (Erukkan in Tamil)1 Kg
    6Water5 Litres
    7Cow's Urine5 Litres

    • Can also use leaves of Malabar Nut (Adathoda in Tamil), Andrographis paniculata or Kalmegh (Siriyanangai in Tamil), Clerodendron (Peenarisanghu in Tamil) and Usil (Arappu in Tamil).

    Method of Preparation
    1. Make a paste of any of the five leaves mentioned above and dissolve it in 5 Litres Cows Urine.
    2. The concoction is then diluted in 5 Litres of Water.
    3. Keep this undisturbed for 5 days.
    Method of Storage
    1. The pesticide should be kept in the shade and covered with a wire mesh or plastic mosquito net to prevent houseflies from laying eggs and the formation of maggots (worms) in the solution. This is applicable during the preparation as well as during the shelf life of the pesticide as well.
    How long can we store the Pesticide?
    1. Not Applicable
    How to use the Pesticide?
    1. Spray System - The pesticide can be applied as a foliar spray.
    Note: Dilute 500 ml of the pesticide with 10 Litres of water before applying.

    When to use the Pesticide?
    1. Generally, the ideal time for spraying is during 6 am to 8.30 am and between 4 pm and 6.30 pm.
    Which pests are controlled by the pesticide?
    1. Generally, most of the pests are controlled by this.